These lessons are designed to support the Arguments in Action part of the SQA's Higher Philosophy Course.

The lessons don't necessarily cover everything you need to know and have no official status.

These lessons are hosted by moodlecloud on one of their 'free forever' plans. These free plans are no longer available and one of the conditions is that somebody logs in every week or so or the site will disappear. This means you should not rely on this site remaining available.

Moodle has some very sophisticated quiz/question options but these are not available to guest users. For that reason I have used a different system. Unfortunately, after a recent upgrade some of these stopped working. If you come across a blank page or a page that gives some kind of error message that may be why.

Another consequence of making the lessons available to guests is that moodle is not able to track individual users. When you go to a lesson you will be asked if you wish to continue from where you last left off. However, this may be where another guest user left off. It will be best to answer 'No' to that question and you will be taken to the beginning of the lesson. You can always navigate to the appropriate page using the links on the left.

It is likely that one or two errors have crept into the material. If something doesn't look correct check with someone who knows.

Last modified: Thursday, December 31, 2020, 2:03 PM